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Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions we commonly confront in our office. We hope these answers will clear things up and make patients more comfortable about asking other questions while visiting us. We always welcome questions at our office and will answer you the best and most honest way we can. If that means telling you we need to look it up we will! We look forward to answering any other questions you may have when we see you.

  • What is a chiropractor and how do I know if I should see one?
    Chiropractors generally treat musculoskeletal dysfunction (muscles and joints) and use a variety of tools and techniques to accomplish improved overall movement, decreased pain, and discussing overall health with the patient. Like many other health professions, chiropractors can work in a general practice setting or specialize. The most common specialties include: sports, pediatrics/pregnancy, geriatrics, preventative care, rehabilitation, and many more. The truth is chiropractors come with many philosophies and ideologies. Some chiropractors recommend preventative treatment plans that require weekly adjustments for lengthy periods of time, while others suggest short term treatment plans to address acute conditions that taper off as patients return to pain free. We recommend a treatment plan based on patient goals, and improving functional movement limitations determined during the initial exam. This means that even after the pain is gone, we still want to work with you until you’re moving at optimal performance.
  • Is the chiropractic office the right place for you?
    Chiropractors work very well with muscle and joint conditions. Most chiropractors focus on the patient’s overall health, so they will discuss diet and exercise as an important part of your journey to recovery. If you have low back pain, neck pain, headaches, tight muscles, postural issues, etc. then the chiropractor is probably the best place to start. Some chiropractors argue great immune system benefits of an adjustment, and many patients would agree with this. However, it is best to check with your primary care physician first when displaying cold/flu like symptoms.
  • Do I need a referal to see a chiopractor
    Nope! While there are rare occasions some insurance providers will refuse coverage without a referral, chiropractors are actually considered entry to care physicians. This means that we can be the first stop for your back pain or your other issues! We specialize in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. That means when you’re feeling stiff or you “tweaked” your knee that we are a great place to start.
  • What is the "popping" noise I hear when I go to the chiropractor?"
    In the same way “popping” your knuckles makes a sound. The majority of the joints in your body have the ability to “pop”, more than you probably think. This happens when negative pressure is created within a synovial joint (most joints of the body). This is a very normal part of a typical adjustment and causes minimal discomfort, if any. This should not be confused with a “snapping” or “clicking” sound that may be heard when you have injured a tendon or ligament. Those sounds typically occur from friction forces caused by rubbing into other anatomy in the body such as a boney promanance. You may also experience a noisy or creaky knee, elbow, or back as you age. This is actually called crepitus. Crepitus describes any grinding, cracking, crunching, or popping that you experience when moving a joint. Crepitus in isolation is usually no major concern, however if it is accompanied by pain or is preventing you from doing what you like to do then you should visit your chiropractor for further evaluation.

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14 South 3rd Ave

Fruitport, MI 49415





Our Hours:

Mon: 8:30-12:30, 2-5:30 

Tue: Closed

Wed: 8:30-12:30, 2-5:30

Thu: 8:30-12:30, 2-5:30

Fri: 8:30-12:30, 2-5:30

​​Sat: By Appointment Only

Sun: Closed

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